
English-language service

BTA's English-language electronic service (ES) provides coverage of major events in Bulgaria's political, economic, social and cultural life, and sports. The stories contain extensive background information and profiles of all players. There are also interviews, regular updates on legislative changes and a Weekly Round-up of Political Events at the end of the week. 

The ES puts out more than 30 news items a day on week days, including a review of the same-day press, and 10 to 20 news items on weekends.

Available upon subscription.

Daily News newsletter

Available in your mailbox every morning on weekdays and Saturday (in .pdf format), Daily News offers you the latest in Bulgarian politics, economy, business, culture, public life and sports. The events are covered with extensive background information and profiles of all players. There are also interviews, regular updates on legislative changes and a Weekly Round-up of Political Events at the end of the week.  

Available upon subscription.