November 14 Presidential Elections: Largest Number Ever of Women, Presidential Tickets

November 14 Presidential Elections: Largest Number Ever of Women, Presidential Tickets

October 15 (Anelia Tsvetkova, Lora Metanova of BTA) -
With 23 presidential tickets joining Bulgaria's November 14
race, this is the largest number since 1992. This is also the
first time presidential and parliamentary elections will be held
 on the same day.

Women are strongly represented as 18 of them are running for
president or vice president - another first since 1992. Four
women - Luna Yordanova, Tsveta Kirilova, Marina Milcheva - all
of them nominated by nomination committees, and Maria Koleva
nominated by the Pravoto party, are presidential candidates.
Fourteen women are vice presidential candidates.



Source: Sofia